Clinical publication

HYALOFAST®, the only 100% hyaluronic acid-based scaffold, has excellent clinical data to support its use in the treatment of chondral and osteochondral lesions with the regeneration of hyaline like cartilage.

The positive results achieved with HYALOFAST enable patients to return to their daily activities naturally.

Below are the main clinical papers showing the HYALOFAST’s superior cartilage regeneration ability in knee and ankle joints.

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Clinical evidence for the use of Hyalofast + BMAC
Buda R, et al. Osteochondral lesions of the knee: a new one-step repair technique with bone-marrow-derived cells. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010 Dec
Buda R. et al. One-step arthroscopic technique for the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the knee with bone-marrow-derived cells: three years results. Musculoskelet Surg. 2013 Feb
Vannini F. et al. One Step Treatment of Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans in the Knee: clinical results and T2 mapping Characterization. Orthop Clin N Am, 2012
Gobbi A., et al. One-Stage Cartilage Repair Using a Hyaluronic Acid-Based Scaffold With Activated Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Compared With Microfracture: Five-Year Follow-up. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Nov.
Gobbi A., et al. One-step surgery with multipotent stem cells and Hyaluronan-based scaffold for the treatment of full-thickness chondral defects of the knee in patients older than 45 years. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2017
Buda R, et al. Osteochondral lesions of the knee: a new one-step repair technique with bone-marrow-derived cells. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010 Dec.
Buda R. et al. One-step arthroscopic technique for the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the knee with bone-marrow-derived cells: three years results. Musculoskelet Surg. 2013 Feb.
Vannini F. et al. One Step Treatment of Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans in the Knee: clinical results and T2 mapping Characterization. Orthop Clin N Am, 2012.
Gobbi A. et al. Matix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation versus Multipotent Stem Cells for the treatment of large patellofemoral chondral lesions: a non randomized prospective trial. Cartilage, 2014 Dec.
Gobbi A., et al. One-step surgery with multipotent stem cells and Hyaluronan-based scaffold for the treatment of full-thickness chondral defects of the knee in patients older than 45 years. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2017.
Gobbi A. et al. Matix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation versus Multipotent Stem Cells for the treatment of large patellofemoral chondral lesions: a non randomized prospective trial. Cartilage 2014 Dec.
Buda et al. A useful combination for the treatment of patellofemoral chondral lesions: realignment procedure plus mesenchymal stem cell-retrospective analysis and clinical results at 48 months follow-up. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2019 Feb.
Gobbi A., et al. One-step surgery with multipotent stem cells and Hyaluronan-based scaffold for the treatment of full-thickness chondral defects of the knee in patients older than 45 years. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2017.
Gobbi A., et al. One-Stage Cartilage Repair Using a Hyaluronic Acid-Based Scaffold With Activated Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Compared With Microfracture: Five-Year Follow-up. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Nov.
Gobbi A. et al. Matix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation versus Multipotent Stem Cells for the treatment of large patellofemoral chondral lesions: a non randomized prospective trial. Cartilage 2014 Dec.
Gobbi A et al. Long-term Clinical Outcomes of One-Stage Cartilage Repair in the Knee With Hyaluronic Acid-Based Scaffold Embedded With Mesenchymal Stem Cells Sourced From Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate. Am J Sports Med. 2019 May 16
Buda R et al. Osteochondral Lesions of the Femoral Condyles: Are the Results of the One-Step Repair Technique Still Satisfactory at Longterm? Abstract ISAKOS congress 12-15 May 2019
Whyte G. et al. One-Step Cartilage Repair of Full-Thickness Knee Chondral Lesions Using a Hyaluronic Acid–Based Scaffold Embedded with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate: Long-term Outcomes After Mean Follow-up Duration of 14 Years. Am J Sports Med. Published online November 3, 2024.
Clinical evidence for the use of Hyalofast + MFX
Sofu A., et al. Results of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Cell-Free Scaffold Application in Combination With Microfracture for the Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Knee: 2-Year Comparative Study. Arthroscopy 2017 Jan
Chen Chou AC et al. Clinical Outcomes of an All-Arthroscopic Technique for Single-Stage Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis in the Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesions of the Knee. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2020 Jun 26.
Shijie Ian Tan , et al. Forty-six patients, affected by ICRS grade IV knee osteochondral lesions, have been retrospectively followed up for three years, to investigate the efficacy of Hyalofast in combination with microfracture for the one-step treatment of the cartilage defects. Journal of Orthopedic Surgery 28(I) 1-7; 2020 Jan 13.
Jaramillo Quiceno GA et al. Satisfactory clinical outcomes with autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis in the treatment of grade IV chondral injuries of the knee. J ISAKOS. 2023 Apr.
Kacprzak B, et al. Hyalofast Cartilage Repair Surgery with a Full Load-Bearing Rehabilitation Program One Day after Operation Reduces the Time for Professional Athletes to Return to Play. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Apr 20.
Kacprzak B, et al. Hyalofast Cartilage Repair Surgery with a Full Load-Bearing Rehabilitation Program One Day after Operation Reduces the Time for Professional Athletes to Return to Play. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Apr 20.
Kacprzak B, et al. Rehabilitation of Soccer Players’ Knee Injuries: Cartilage Reconstruction, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery, and Intensive Recovery. J. Clin. Med. 2023 Nov. 1.


Clinical evidence for the use of Hyalofast + BMAC
Giannini S. et al. One step Bone Marrow-derived cell Transplantation in Talar Osteochondral Lesions. Clin Orthop Relat Res, Dec; 467 (12):3307-20.
Battaglia M, et al. Validity of T2 mapping in characterization of the regeneration tissue by bone marrow derived cell transplantation in osteochondral lesions of the ankle. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Nov; 80(2):132-9
Giannini S, et al. Cartilage repair evolution in post-traumatic osteochondral lesions of the talus: From open field autologous chondrocyte to bone-marrow-derived cells transplantation. Injury, 2010 Nov.
Buda R., et al. Regenerative treatment in osteochondral lesions of the talus: autologous chondrocyte implantation versus onestep bone marrow derived cells transplantation. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 2015.
Giannini S. et al. One step Bone Marrow-derived cell Transplantation in Talar Osteochondral Lesions. Clin Orthop Relat Res, Dec; 467 (12):3307-20.
Battaglia M, et al. Validity of T2 mapping in characterization of the regeneration tissue by bone marrow derived cell transplantation in osteochondral lesions of the ankle. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Nov; 80(2):132-9.
Giannini S, et al. Cartilage repair evolution in post-traumatic osteochondral lesions of the talus: From open field autologous chondrocyte to bone-marrow-derived cells transplantation. Injury, 2010 Nov.
Buda R., et al. Regenerative treatment in osteochondral lesions of the talus: autologous chondrocyte implantation versus onestep bone marrow derived cells transplantation. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 2015.
Tahta M et al. Arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus: nanofracture vs Hyaluronic acid-based cell-free scaffold with concentration of autologous bone marrow aspirate. J Orthop Surg 25(2): 1-5, 2017.
Tahta M et al. Arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus: nanofracture vs Hyaluronic acid-based cell-free scaffold with concentration of autologous bone marrow aspirate. J Orthop Surg 25(2): 1-5, 2017.
Giannini S, et al. Cartilage repair evolution in post-traumatic osteochondral lesions of the talus: From open field autologous chondrocyte to bone-marrow-derived cells transplantation. Injury, 2010 Nov.
Buda R., et al. Regenerative treatment in osteochondral lesions of the talus: autologous chondrocyte implantation versus onestep bone marrow derived cells transplantation. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 2015.
Vannini F, et al. Hyaluronic scaffold transplantation with bone marrow concentrate for the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus: durable results up to a minimum of 10 years. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2023 Jun 17.